6: Astonishing Shell internal communications about John Donovan
(Information from WIKIMEDIA COMMONS: The above Shell logo image is in the public domain because its copyright has expired and its author is anonymous.)
Astonishing Shell internal communications about John Donovan and his late father, Alfred.
Above sinister internal Shell email with a large circulation list (redacted by Shell) spelling out Shell’s aggressive plans targeting the Donovan’s, including setting up a team to combat the Donovan’s activities.
Selection of Shell internal communications and information relating to Alfred Donovan and John Donovan obtained from Shell in December 2009, March 2010, and April 2011. Supplied by Shell in response to SAR applications under the Data Protection Act 1998 by Alfred Donovan and John Donovan – All published online from the time received.
Includes confidential highly sensitive Shell internal communications and documents relating to Alfred and John Donovan that Shell had no idea would ever end up in the hands of the Donovan’s. The black crosses denote information/names redacted by Shell. Some of the more interesting revelations are highlighted in red text. Reveals the degree of paranoia and panic at Shell about the Donovan’s online activities. Dated from May 2006 onwards.
3/5 May 2006 Five Pages – Leaflet Distribution
From: . .
Sent: 03 May 2006 08:34
To: :
Cc: i
Subject: FW: Shell AGM/activity outside Shell Centre today
Importance: High
L&G – FYI, our longstanding critic Alfred Donovan is announcing that from today a ‘team of leaflet distributors will be stationed at the entrances to Shell Centre offering leaflets to all people entering or leaving’. Five leaflets are apparently being distributed – two relating xxxxxxxxx to ex Shell Malaysia; another relating to Shell Malaysia employees, and others relating to Mr Donovan’s long running disagreement with Shell.
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